Art Plan Term 3
I have chosen to blog this because I am very proud with the steps I have included. I think my art will be very challenging but I have took in my that I can do it.
Name: Kiana
Success Criteria of the art
- No larger than A3
- Must be super high quality (your absolute personal best)
- Must be a type of visual art
- Must be aesthetically pleasing (it has to look good)
- It must challenge you (aim high)
There is an example of how to do Task 2 on the wall.
Task 1
Discuss with your learning buddy about all of the different types of visual art (there are lots!).
Write 3 of them below.
- Sketching
Task 2- Your plan
Please insert a picture of what your completed art will look like. (It will be either: an image from the internet, a google drawing or a rough draft).
Write a list of materials you will need.
If a material is not in the classroom, include how you will get it.
Colouring pencils
A4 canvas White ( Uncle Bills)
2 pieces of A4 white paper
Pencil White Black Red Pink Purple Yellow Orange Green
Paint, White Black Red Pink Purple Yellow Orange Green
Hot glue gun
Crayons White Black Red Pink Purple Yellow Orange Green
Hair Dryer
Gel Pens
Write a list of steps to take.
- Cut each butterfly out as perfectly as possible
- On each butterfly put a different pattern on
- Each butterfly will be a symbol of something I enjoy or love eg Family, Friends, Quotes, Sport, Cultra, Home, School, Animals, The World,
- Each butterfly will be coloured different colours for it still to look like a butterfly. t
- The butterfly that represents quotes will be melted crayon and then the quote will be written in black sharpie or gel pen
- The home butterfly is quite technical so it will have to be sketched then sharpie then coloured I want it to look real
- Glue each butterfly down on the A4 canvas evenly (Rows of three)
- After that put your finishing touches in.
I have chosen this because monarch butterflies are humble mature and loving The symbols that I am drawing come under this.