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WALT: record and share our thoughts. Text type: Diary or Journal
Success Criteria
Self assessment
Buddy Assessment
Teacher Assessment
Introduce yourself and your role “Dear Diary...”
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Honest thoughts and feelings at the time
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Likes and dislikes
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Expression / Personality (sounds like you)
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Date plus optional title for each entry
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Actions from practice and performance
Great examples here: Link
Dear Diary, let me introduce myself. My name is Kiana Pohe and my role in the production is a poi girl and a singer. So far I think my voice is loud but I need to work a bit with the poi to get in time with the other girls. I am kind of sick of that strobe light it makes my eyes glitch and I get abit of a headache.
Dear Dairy.
The second day of production and it was dress rehearsal! I was a bit late because I had a doctors appointment. Practice was in room three, I thought when we practiced today it was a lot better especially when we were in time with Poi E.
The strobe light went on well I was performing. I think I looked a bit silly covering my eyes. It doesn't just affects me I think it affects others as well. Over all today I thought it was pretty awesome getting the opportunity to dress up in all our costumes.
Dear Diary
Today was the day of the performance to the school. It was my first time getting a moko on my chin. It stunk when Mrs Roil stuck it on, I learnt that you have to be quick to put the paint on all else you can’t put sparkly red glitter on it. After the big performance Miss Hill gave us an ice block because her and the other teachers were happy that we stepped up and did better today than yesterday.
The big night was here, it was my first performance in front of an audience.
I was petrified. I have never sung in front of this many people before. As I was getting ready, my friend’s and other classmates gave me a nice compliment. That made me happy and excited before going on stage. It was my time to shine. As I was walking behind the dark black curtain I could see the light shining and the crowd laughing. My heart was beating more and more faster. As we were singing Aotearoa my nerves went away and then my dress popped undone! Oh blasted I said to myself, now what am I going to do. I had a plan. My plan was to put all my weight into it so it didn’t go down and the crowd didn’t see my undies! After finishing, a lovely parent offered to do my dress up. Luckily she had more pins to put on my dress. That was my first night of production.
Dear Diary
I think Bella is so good at Mauis Wife. She has expression and she even has a bit of attitude in her line. Now where was I, oh that's right how it felt sing and walking on stage. Well walking on stage is nerve wracking the light’s are shining red bright in your eyes and the crowd is staring at you. When the music comes on I have a great time. I laugh I even do a bit of a pukana when I feel like doing one. I thought it was awesome. My production group keeps improving every night. Oh there was one thing, the boys on the curtain they closed it well we were still performing. That was quite embarrassing.
Dear Diary
I had just spotted my family in crowd. Then, I did this big grin and my poi whacked me in the face, Ouch I mattered. Then I realized that my dress had popped undone, silly dress how times has it popped undone now. Wow Hugh is really good at Maui he has expression and his acting is great. I think this performance has been the best one yet.
Dear Diary
Today is monday the last week of production. I thought I did quite well tonight. I kept my head still I smiled and some of my pukanas were awesome. It has been good, Mr Ford hasn't put that strobe light on that much tonight. The crowd was hard to get a laugh out of so Mr Cottrell is laughing and trying to get us to laugh but no one followed. After production my mum got me KFC for dinner, I love there chicken and there chips are so nice with their salt on it. Bye Diary
Dear Diary
Another night of production. I am so tired, I just wish this production thing would finish, Seriously.
The movie we watched before the performance was scary and I like scary movies. As we all waited in room 21 before going on stage, A girls dress popped un done. I was kind and did it back up. You know when you get that feeling and you just smile if you look at someone you know well, my friend Poppy who has a speaking part in the crowd keeps making my smile and laugh and that's a good thing.
Dear Diary
The lucky last night of production, I am excited. As I am walking on stage I saw Mr G with his video camera. I got a bit nervous but when the song came on I was fine. When we were singing Aotearoa the spotlight was on me and my friends it was quite cool getting a bit more light. I could see my mum in the crowd waving, I was embarrassed but she said she was only doing that to get me to smile and pukana more. After Mr G said a speech Hamish lead a big haka and everyone was joining in, the boys literally blew the roof of. I thought tonight was a massive night I know I definitely enjoyed myself. I think the teacher's have done a great job to set this up. I hope I get another opportunity next year to be in the production.